Are you selling a property in QLD? Here’s what you need to know about smoke alarm compliance, certificates, and the contract of sale.
On 1st January 2022 new laws outlined in the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 came into effect. These new laws place extra duties upon Queensland property sellers to ensure that;
- Interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms (not also containing an ionisation sensor) have been installed on every level and in every bedroom and interconnecting hallways outside the bedrooms
- Be hardwired to the mains power supply, if currently hardwired, or powered by a non-removeable 10-year lithium battery
- Comply with Australian Standard 3786:2014, be less than 10 years old, and function when tested
Disclosure obligations and smoke alarm compliance
If you are selling a residential property in QLD you are required by law to disclose certain information to the buyer before they enter into a contract.
The two main documents where this information is captured are;
- the contract of sale
- the ‘Form 24’ (Transfer of Title)
Contract of Sale
The standard REIQ contract of sale in Queensland contains a section that the seller is required to complete prior to the buyer signing the contract, stating whether the property is fitted with compliant smoke alarms.
When preparing a property for sale, these smoke alarm requirements must be met before a property can settle.
An example of the smoke alarm section for a contract of sale:
As a seller you cannot contract out of this obligation and must comply with the minimum smoke alarm requirements. Failure to install compliant smoke alarms is an offence (even if it has been disclosed) and the seller may be subject to a fine (a seller can still be fined for committing an offence after the property has been sold). Additionally, the buyer may be entitled to an adjustment of 0.15% of the contract purchase price in their favour. As such, it is recommended that QLD sellers ensure compliant interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms are installed at their cost prior to settlement.
Form 24
When a property is sold, the vendor must also lodge a Form 24 (transfer of title form) with Titles Queensland (formerly named the Queensland Land Registry Office), stating that the above requirements of the smoke alarm legislation have been met, and that the purchaser is aware of the fact.
Smoke alarm compliance certificate when selling in QLD?
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is Queensland’s peak professional body for the real estate industry.
On their website they clarify a few points in relation to smoke alarm compliance certificates for selling in QLD. See below information directly from the REIQ website:
These are a few illustrations of the possible amounts you might have to pay the Buyer if your smoke alarms do not meet the required standards:
For a selling price of $1,500,000, the cost could be $2,250.
For a selling price of $2,500,000, the cost could be $3,750.
For a selling price of $5,000,000, the cost could be $7,500.
*** Credit to Photoelectric Smoke Alarms Australia
*** Disclaimer: Information provided is general in nature and should not be construed as expert legal advice. You should always seek the assistance of a legal professional when selling or purchasing a property.